How long does results last?

Results are permanent however the longevity of the results varies from each person due to different consuming habits for example a heavy smoker has more chances of their teeth staining. With proper dental care and following our after care guide you'll be able to maintain your results.

Are our products suitable for those with sensitive teeth?

Yes. All our products are designed with those who have sensitive teeth, our products are FDA approved as well as being cruelty-free and vegan friendly. Our products cause no damages to the enamel or long term sensitivity neither are they painful.

How old do you have to be to book an appointment or purchase our products?

Cosmetic teeth whitening is for 18+ only! 16-17 you need to be accompanied by an adult for permission and our products are recommended for 18+ only.

Can our products/services remove stains and plaque?

No. For removal of tar tar and plaque you need to see a dental hygienist for teeth cleaning. Restorations also do not whiten, any stains you have on your teeth prior to whitening them will only get brighter this can potentially even out the shade of your teeth causing less visibility of the stain however in some cases it can also brighten the stain. If concerned about anything please consult your dentist 

Who are our products NOT suitable for?

Those under the age of 18, awaiting treatment from the dentist or pregnant.

When can I collect my order?

For customers who choose to collect their orders, you will receive a notification once your order is ready for pickup. After receiving this notification, please message us when you're planning to visit so we can arrange a designated collection time for you.


For any further questions or concerns please contact us.